DbStruct Pile
version 0.0.1
This pile contains classes that can be used to
▼Npile_schema_api | |
Cbigint | |
Cbinary | |
Cbit | |
Cchar | |
Ccolumn | |
CcolumnList | |
Cconstraint | |
CconstraintColumn | |
Cdatabase | |
CdateTimeType | |
CdateType | |
Cdecimal | |
CdecimalScale0 | |
Cfloat_ | |
CforeignKeyColumns | |
CGDSParseError | |
▼CGeneratedsSuper | |
C_FixedOffsetTZ | |
Cidentity | |
Cindex | |
Cindexes | |
Cinteger | |
CMemberSpec_ | |
CMixedContainer | |
Cmoney | |
Cnchar | |
CparameterlessStringType | |
CparameterlessType | |
CprimaryKey | |
CprimaryKeyTable | |
Creal | |
Crelationship | |
CrelationshipColumn | |
Crelationships | |
Csmallint | |
Csmallmoney | |
Ctable | |
Ctables | |
CtimeType | |
Ctinyint | |
Ctristate | |
CuniqueConstraints | |
Cuniqueidentifier | |
CvariablePrecisionTime | |
Cview | |
Cviews | |
CviewSubset | |
CviewWriteBack | |
CviewWriteBackCol | |
Cvrtcol | |
▼Npileschema | |
CDriver | |
CQtDriver | |
CSqlDriver | |
CSqLiteDriver | |
▼CDbColumn | The columnure of a database |
CColFormat | |
CDbObject | The objecture of a database |
CDbRecord | A record in a database |
CDbStruct | The structure of a database |
CDbStructMeta | The structure of a database |
CDbTable | A table in a database |
CDbTaew | A table or view in a database |
CDbView | A view in a database |